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Shaped Staff

The Shaped Staff is a group of writers and editors with extensive and varied backgrounds in education—consisting of the Content Marketing team at HMH. Together, they bring expertise in education journalism, content development, copywriting—as well as teaching experience in the elementary grades and secondary English and math.

The Content Marketing team includes Christine Condon, senior director of content marketing; Richard Blankman, marketing director; Zoe Del Mar, senior content marketing manager; Brenda Iasevoli, senior content marketing manager; Alicia Ivory, senior copywriter; and Jennifer Corujo, content marketing manager.

They can be reached at

Drug test in high school athletics

Use this resource to teach a Supreme Court case surrounding drug testing in K–12 schools and the Fourth Amendment.

Shaped Staff

WF926906 Shaped 2019 Blog Posts September Fearless Kids 2

You don’t need to leave your school to take your class on an international field trip. In our new web series, Carmen Sandiego spotlights six real kids who are creating positive change in their communities.

Shaped Staff

August Coaching Using Video Final

These are among the easiest and most meaningful ways to improve instruction by allowing teachers to reflect on video footage of their own instruction.

Shaped Staff

WF926906 Shaped 2019 Blog Posts September Science Recipes 3 190916 180936 4c284b73b1b0834026b992b9ac93d6bd

Teach students about chemical reactions, the properties of matter, and other science topics by having them participate in fun, collaborative hands-on activities.

Shaped Staff

WF926906 Math Expressions Gr K 0 Z1 A6360 copy

Ease elementary school students' transition from arithmetic to algebra by introducing them to algebra concepts throughout the elementary grades.

Shaped Staff

July Video Enhanced Coaching Final

Follow these four steps to improve your chances of creating the psychological safety needed for teachers to trust the process of instructional coaching using video.

Shaped Staff

Ancient greece lesson plan

Known for its architecture, democratic system of government, and impact on science and the arts, ancient Greece is an important topic often covered in middle and high school social studies.

Shaped Staff

August Instructional Coaching Final 1

Research presents significant evidence that a high-quality instructional coaching experience can improve a teacher’s skillset.

Shaped Staff

July Math Patterns Final

Use these patterns for preschool students to teach your earliest learners about an important mathematical topic.

Shaped Staff

WF931353 HMHSS 19 6 12 Blog 1600x900 4c284b73b1b0834026b992b9ac93d6bd 4c284b73b1b0834026b992b9ac93d6bd

The Miranda v. Arizona ruling stated that a detained criminal suspect has the right to an attorney and against self-incrimination.

Shaped Staff

WF961284 AGA architect careers blog

Do your students ever ask how they will use what they learn in the math classroom in real life? You can answer by looking at these jobs that involve math.

Shaped Staff

July Shapebook Patterns 3

Use these shapebook patterns as an engaging space for students to write their science observations and outstanding questions.

Shaped Staff

July Addition Activities Final

Download these activities for preschoolers to teach early learners about addition using visual representations.

Shaped Staff

HMH World Map

Download these Code of Hammurabi activity and lesson plan resources to teach students the context surrounding the creation of the code of laws.

Shaped Staff

Pledge of allegiance in schools

Use these downloadables as social studies resources to teach your class about the Supreme Court case West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette.

Shaped Staff

July Misc Math

Use these downloadable math activities for PreK students to teach your early learners about addends and number partners.

Shaped Staff

Model Schools2018 Day2 Web abigailbobophotography3012

Congratulations to our very own Eric Sheninger, an ICLE Senior Fellow, who made EdTech magazine's list of 30 Must-Read K-12 Education IT Influencers.

Shaped Staff

May ECR Tech Classroom 4

Use this infographic to explore areas of teacher optimism and concern regarding edtech, and discover the digital tools teachers use most frequently.

Shaped Staff