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Shaped Staff

The Shaped Staff is a group of writers and editors with extensive and varied backgrounds in education—consisting of the Content Marketing team at HMH. Together, they bring expertise in education journalism, content development, copywriting—as well as teaching experience in the elementary grades and secondary English and math.

The Content Marketing team includes Christine Condon, senior director of content marketing; Richard Blankman, marketing director; Zoe Del Mar, senior content marketing manager; Brenda Iasevoli, senior content marketing manager; Alicia Ivory, senior copywriter; and Jennifer Corujo, content marketing manager.

They can be reached at

Celebrate Holidaysinthe French Speaking Worldthumb

The HMH World Languages Fall French Holiday Calendar offers French teachers an opportunity to bring authentic culture, with suggested activities, into the classroom. Explore some of the October holidays here.

Shaped Staff

Blended learning guru weston kieschnick thumb

As he travels the country working with school districts, thought leader Weston Kieschnick shares five steps to Bold School Instruction. Now you can also catch his wisdom in his new Facebook Live series, The Teachers’ Lounge.

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Connecting language students to culture celebrate holidays in the spanish speaking world thumb

Spanish teachers wanting to introduce authentic culture into the classroom will love our new Fall Spanish Holiday Calendar, with suggested activities. Here’s a brief preview of October holidays.

Shaped Staff

Connecting math and careers getting students animated thumb

Our “Connecting Math and Careers” series continues with strategies for inspiring students to consider a career in the field of animation.

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Use reading data to encourage students independent reading thumb

As you assess students’ reading levels at the start of the school year, here are some strategies for supporting students in taking risks, expanding their reading choices, building skills—and becoming engaged independent readers.

Shaped Staff

The great american eclipse thumb

Two longtime HMH employees and astronomy buffs shared their passion—and a captivating hands-on experience—with colleagues in Orlando during this week’s solar eclipse.

Shaped Staff

Whats the 1 thing educators want thumb

This key statistic from our 2017 Educator Confidence Report appeared recently in the USA Today Snapshot, indicating sentiments expressed by your education peers in the survey are resonating nationally.

Shaped Staff

How to instill a love of reading thumb

Back to school is a good time to think about optimizing your library to motivate independent reading. Taking it further, here are some strategies and interactions teachers can use to spark an interest in reading.

Shaped Staff

Show Students How Building Math Foundations Can Leadtoa Rewarding Careerthumbjpg

In this new “Connecting Math and Careers” series, learn motivating strategies for helping students make personal and real-world connections from the math class to their lives beyond school.

Shaped Staff

CODIE 2017 winner white

HMH was honored on July 26 with a CODiE Award—presented by SIIA to software, information, and education technology developers—for our online English learner program, Escalate English.

Shaped Staff

Third annual educator confidence report thumb

HMH’s 2017 Educator Confidence Report is out, and general confidence levels are up. Find out how your peers are feeling about digital readiness, family engagement, the future of education, and more.

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Will you be at the apa convention thumb

HMH will be in booth # 305 at the APA Convention, sharing our expertise in the area of cognitive assessment and proudly sponsoring the APA’s School Psychology Division.

Shaped Staff

Erik palmer makes the argument at ila for building strong speaking and writing skills thumb

How can we teach students to speak confidently? Thought leader Erik Palmer shares his insights during this brief ILA 2017 Facebook Live interview.

Shaped Staff

Up close and personal at ila thumb

ILA 2017 was a great time to catch up with literacy thought leaders and learn new strategies for inspiring all readers. Carol Jago and MaryEllen Vogt offered a wealth of wisdom in this brief Facebook Live interview.

Shaped Staff

Msc 2017

Feeling energized and encouraged, participants at the 25th Annual Model Schools Conference shared their experiences on social media. Find out what inspired them most about MSC 2017.

Shaped Staff

Quad D Idea Lab Plants the Seed for Rigorous Learning thumb

Teachers are exploring the quad, or rather Quad D, at the Model Schools Conference. These Idea Lab sessions have educators taking the role of students and discovering collaborative, creative learning activities that learners can explore at their own pace.

Shaped Staff

Attending iste 2017 in san antonio thumb

HMH is proud to participate at the ISTE 2017 Conference, sharing our expertise, best practices, and technology thought leadership with EdTech leaders.

Shaped Staff

Introducing the Teachers of Beastie Hall Last Stop Professor Readwells Success Classroom thumb

In Professor Readwell’s Beastie Hall Success Classroom, children put their newly acquired foundational skills together to read independently.

Shaped Staff