
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 



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Meet mr sounders thumb

As we continue to introduce the animated teachers of iRead’s Beastie Hall, discover how Mr. Sounders systematically introduces students to the 44 sounds of the English language, and more.

Shaped Staff

Nine students are recognized by their teachers thumb

HMH has just announced the winners in this year’s Student 180 Awards. We are proud to share the inspiring stories of our READ 180 honorees.

Shaped Staff

Three math students recognized thumb

This week, HMH announced the winners of the 2017 180 Student Awards. We are proud to share the inspiring stories of our MATH 180 honorees.

Shaped Staff

The Spark interviews national mathematics thought leader Cathy Seeley on the state of mathematics instruction in the U.S.

Dr. Cathy Seeley

How a Model Schools Conference Inspired Dramatic Academic Gains thumb

In their recent Lead the Way to Literacy webinar panel discussion, Dr. Lamont Repollet and Sancha Gray, the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Instruction from the Asbury Park School District, discuss how they have transformed their district.

Shaped Staff

Stefan czaporowski headshot westfield

Wondering what makes successful schools and districts tick? In this series, “Leading Model Schools,” we ask principals and superintendents from across the country to share the secrets behind the recent gains and successes in their schools and districts. Find out what’s happening in Westfield School District.


Introducing the teachers of beastie hall first stop thumb

Miss A and Coach Z, two of the animated teachers of iRead’s Beastie Hall, focus on phonological awareness and alphabet knowledge in a systematic and fun way to help children acquire foundational skills.

Shaped Staff

Learning by design thumb

In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, Dr. Lissa Pijanowski empowers teachers to design authentic, challenging, and engaging learning. Try her reflection on your own positive learning experiences.

Dr. Lissa Pijanowski
HMH Contributor

Ensuring literacy and language gains for long term english learners thumb

To meet new standards and shifting policies, Dr. Elena Izquierdo offers strategies for supporting long-term English learners in academic language proficiency and accessing grade-level texts.

Dr. Elena Izquierdo
Author, Escalate English; Author ¡Arriba la Lectura!; Associate Professor, Dual Language Education / Biliteracy / ELL Education, University of Texas, El Paso

Leading a Model School How One Middle School Principal Defined Success thumb

Model School Principal Carrie Sanchez designed a unique and flexible scheduling system, built a supportive community, and fostered a dedicated staff—all resulting in heightened student achievement.

Carrie Sanchez
Principal, Port Clinton Middle School

The path to reading proficiency by Grade 3 thumb

Our youngest learners are being more challenged than ever to attain reading proficiency, making systematic, explicit instruction in foundational skills more vital than ever.

Shaped Staff

Click Here for Closer Digital Reading thumb

Carol Jago investigates the differences between print and screen-based reading and offers advice for helping students understand and overcome the distractions of online reading.

Carol Jago
HMH Author and Associate Director, California Reading & Literature Project at UCLA

National pet day thumb

To celebrate National Pet Day, HMH Archivist Susan Steinway takes a look at a few HMH authors who were dog people, cat people, bird people and everything in between!

Susan Steinway
Archivist, HMH

A language quest with lifelong impact thumb

What’s the best way to advance your long-term English learners in their acquisition of academic language? Read our strategies for making active language learning a regular classroom practice.

Shaped Staff

Bold school becoming a blended learning master thumb

EdTech thought leader Weston Kieschnick started exploring blended learning over a decade ago. He shares his best practices and advice on keeping the role of teacher in the blended learning equation.

Weston Kieschnick
Associate Partner, ICLE

My Discussion on Multicultural Capital at TESOL thumb

Author and and English learner expert Sylvia Acevedo shared with a TESOL audience how having a multicultural background offers a competitive advantage in school, in career opportunities, and in life.

Sylvia Acevedo
HMH Author and CEO, Girl Scouts of America

Learning mindsets for math thumb

Dr. David Dockterman, Chief Architect of Learning Sciences at HMH, discusses the importance of helping math students develop the productive learning behaviors that sustain a growth mindset.

Dr. David Dockterman
Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Academic Language Preparation Is Key to College Readiness thumb

Helping students distinguish between academic language and everyday English is vital to helping them meet the demands of college readiness coursework, says literacy expert Kate Kinsella.

Dr. Kate Kinsella
Author, English 3D; Co-Author, Read 180®; Teacher Educator, Researcher; CEO, Dr. Kate Kinsella & Associates

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.