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Timothy Mugabi

Shaped Contributor

Timothy Mugabi is a freelance education writer and guest contributor to the former Classcraft blog, which is now part of HMH.

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Discover 5 fun ways to randomly select students to help engage more of your class in each lesson.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

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PBIS training for teachers and staff bolsters your PBIS framework. Find tips to develop a PBIS professional development plan that empowers educators.

Sara Austin
Shaped Contributor

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

Ryan Crawley
Shaped Contributor

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Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

How to Get Teacher Buy-In for PBIS

Learn how to get teacher buy-in for PBIS. For a PBIS initiative to be effective, getting staff buy-in is critical.

Sara Austin
Shaped Contributor

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

Morgan Hugoboom
Shaped Contributor

8 Components of PBIS to Support Effective Implementation

Discover 8 components of PBIS to support implementation. Successfully implementing a PBIS program requires many different elements to be in place.

Sara Austin
Shaped Contributor

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

Ryan Crawley
Shaped Contributor

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Learn how to motivate teachers as a principal. Explore 13 ways to motiovate your teachers and create a postivie school climate.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

Debunking PBIS Myths Why Does PBIS Work?

Explore 7 PBIS criticisms and myths. Certain fundamental aspects of PBIS are misunderstood, which can affect the way it's perceived.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

17 Whole-Class, Non-Junk Food Rewards

Explore 16 whole-class reward ideas that are either affordable or free. There are a variety of fun and easy options to incentivize your students.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

Explore 6 reasons why using food as a reward in schools should be avoided for PBIS.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

How to Create a PBIS Behavior Plan

Learn how to create a PBIS behavior plan. A PBIS action plan acts as a guideline for your entire PBIS initiative.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

Morgan Hugoboom
Shaped Contributor

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Learn how to create a safe classroom environment for students. Explore 7 tips for creating a safe learning environment where students are free to be themselves.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

62 Ways to Check for Understanding

Explore 62 check for understanding strategies to use during a lesson that enhance student engagement, identify knowledge gaps, and foster effective learning.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor

Students in classroom at group desk

Explore the advantages and disadvantages of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups to help you consider when you might choose one type of grouping over the other.

Timothy Mugabi
Shaped Contributor