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Shaddoe lambert

Shaddoe Lambert

Former Teacher; HMH Product Manager

Shaddoe Lambert is an experienced educator who was a secondary ELA teacher for eight years and now works on products to transform educational experiences for students and teachers. Shaddoe has bachelor’s degrees in English literature and secondary English education from Western Carolina University and a master’s degree in secondary education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Shaddoe works on HMH Classcraft to support students and educators alike.

WF1933153 hero

Explore 9 key qualities of a good student leader, and learn ways to help cultivate students' leadership skills in the classroom.

Shaddoe Lambert
Former Teacher; HMH Product Manager

Classcraft 8 Thoughtful Questions Teachers Can Ask Themselves to Keep Growing as Educators

Explore 8 end-of-year teacher reflection questions to ponder as an educator.

Shaddoe Lambert
Former Teacher; HMH Product Manager