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Allison Bruhn

Program Advisor and Assistant Professor, University of Iowa

Dr. Allison Bruhn is a program advisor for HMH’s System 44, a foundational reading program for the most challenged readers in Grades 3–12+. Dr. Bruhn is also an assistant professor of Special Education at The University of Iowa. Her research interests include implementing multi-tiered systems of support and using technology-based self-management to help students improve behavior. This research is supported by over $1.5 million in federal, state, and local funding, including $1.2 million from the Institute of Educational Sciences. In addition to creating a self-monitoring iPad app and training schools in PBIS, she has authored more than 40 publications including a book Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools: Research-Based Strategies That Work. She currently serves on the editorial boards of Teaching Exceptional Children, Journal of Special Education Technology, and Behavioral Disorders. In 2014, she received the Early Career Publication Award from the Council for Exceptional of Children Division of Research.

Student Writing 472

HMH program advisor Dr. Allison Bruhn explains how student success in the classroom is directly related to their ability to self-regulate their behavior and offers some tips on how to implement student self-monitoring, a tried and true strategy for supporting self-regulation.

Allison Bruhn
Program Advisor and Assistant Professor, University of Iowa