
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 



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Teacher Collage 2

Caitlin Henault
Senior Communications Associate, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Go Rogue hero

Lacey Morel Bueche
Director of Accountability and I.T., Pointe Coupee Parish School District

How one innovative district created a culture shift hero

Dr. Keith Bryant
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Nicole Holmes
Chief Academic Officer

Eric Sheninger Hero Image Revised

Eric Sheninger
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author

Efficient eye tracking hero

Dr. Alexandra Talaber

Dr. Danielle Leong

Funding mindsets for leaders teachers students and families hero

Dustin Bindreiff, Ed.D.
Special Education Coordinator, Nevada County Superintendent of Schools; Former Consultant for Mindset Works

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Patricia Starek, ​M.S.Ed.​
Senior Product Manager, HMH

HMH Prof Serv 2017 0222

Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

A new math model 1600x900

Diane Reynolds
Director of Professional Learning

Three students recognized for reading mastery thumb

HMH continues to honor the winners of the 2017 180 Student Awards. We are proud to share the inspiring stories of our System 44 honorees.

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Julie Alonzo post thumb

Assessment specialist Dr. Julie Alonzo, who took part in our final Leadership Talks webinar series, and expands upon the topic of fine-tuning reading assessment for English learners.

Nine students are recognized by their teachers thumb

HMH has just announced the winners in this year’s Student 180 Awards. We are proud to share the inspiring stories of our READ 180 honorees.

Shaped Staff

Three math students recognized thumb

This week, HMH announced the winners of the 2017 180 Student Awards. We are proud to share the inspiring stories of our MATH 180 honorees.

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Stefan czaporowski headshot westfield

Wondering what makes successful schools and districts tick? In this series, “Leading Model Schools,” we ask principals and superintendents from across the country to share the secrets behind the recent gains and successes in their schools and districts. Find out what’s happening in Westfield School District.


Join us at NCTM for expert guidance

We hope to see you at NCTM 2017! Visit our booth to meet your program authors and explore new solutions to support your entire math curriculum. And be sure to take the Numeracy Counts pledge at our pledge wall!

Shaped Staff

Engaging the Disengaged 1

In an age of constant distraction, how do we help students focus? Dr. Bill McBride looks at how our brains take in information, how we learn, and what teachers can do to keep students' attention.

Dr. Bill McBride

5 Things EL Educators Can Learn thumb

Just in time for TESOL, Sylvia Acevedo, interim CEO of Girls Scouts of the USA, shares some inspiration for EL educators she has learned over the years from the Girl Scouts.

Shaped Staff

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.