
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 



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Grade 2 1

El recurso de instrucción que se muestra a continuación está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a ampliar el conocimiento de los números.

WF1167611 Esther hero image

Esther Wojcicki shares her lesson on conducting an interview and writing a personality feature—​an intriguing, creative article about the interviewee.

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G3 Math Inventing Toys and Coins in the US

Help children in Grade 3 understand the role that mathematics plays in running a business, and how fractions apply to the U.S. monetary system.

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Put students in Grades 6-8 on the path to making knowledgeable purchasing decisions with these free activities ideal for at-home learning.​

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WF1175100 Miller v Alabama Lesson Plan Hero Image Opt1

Start a discussion with your students about the Eighth Amendment with this Miller v. Alabama lesson plan.

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Esther Personality Profiles Hero Image

Teach students in Grades 3-12 how to conduct interviews and write compelling personality features with these insights from Esther Wojcicki.

Esther Wojcicki
Journalist and Teacher; Founder, Palo Alto High Media Arts Program


Van a recibir lecciones de lectura para cinco días, con las que su hijo podrá explorar cómo ayudan las personas en nuestras comunidades.

Shaped Staff


Van a recibir lecciones de lectura para cinco días, con las que su hijo podrá explorar cómo ayudan las personas en nuestras comunidades.

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WF1175118 WWI Hero Image Opt2

Teach students about the legacy of the Great War with these World War I lesson plans and activities.

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Activities including creating a sketchnote, writing an ode to an everyday item, and analyzing the theme of a short story.

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WF1167611 Glenis hero image

Watch this video on how to write a poem featuring Glenis Redmond to provide your students with insights and tips for writing poetry.

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Van a recibir lecciones de lectura para cinco días, con las que su hijo podrá explorar cómo ayudan las personas en nuestras comunidades.

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Discover five days of reading lessons designed to engage your child in an exploration of how we play a role in our communities.

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Engage your child in an exploration of how we are helpers in our communities with five days of activities.

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Have your children in Grades 3-5 explore how we are helpers in our communities.

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Have your middle schoolers write their own haikus, identify themes in works of literature, and create a character's social media profile.


Help your children in Grade 2 understand multidigit numbers and hone their addition and subtraction skills with free animal-based activities.

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Help your children in Grade 1 understand numbers through the context of animals.

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*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.