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Activities & Lessons

Grades 3–5 Daily Reading Activities: Creativity Counts

3 Min Read

Welcome to Creativity Counts. We'll provide five days of reading lessons designed to engage your child in an exploration of arts and creativity.

Day 1 Activity

Let’s Watch: How Can Photos Take Us Back in Time?

Watch the video How Can Photos Take Us Back in Time? to find out more about some of the photographs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Discuss the Video

What does Jeff like about the first photo of the Brooklyn Bridge? What does Kira say stays the same in the second photo? Which photo do you like best?

Let’s Read: Art in Caves

What are cave paintings and what do they tell us? Read to find out more about one of the oldest forms of art in history.

Download Art in Caves

Check Understanding

What did you learn about Art in Caves? Answer these questions. Use the text to help you.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 2 Activity

Let’s Reread: Art in Caves

What are cave paintings and what do they tell us? Read to find out more about one of the oldest forms of art in history.

Download Art in Caves

Take It Further

Extend the fun with an activity.

Write About It

  • How are early artists and their work similar to artists today and their work? How are they different?
  • Write two paragraphs to tell how they are alike and how they are different.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 3 Activity

Let’s Read: Leona’s Sneakers

A mysterious tube of red glitter glue helps Leona find talent she never knew she had. But fame isn't all that Leona thought it would be. Will Leona realize what's really important before it's too late?

Download Leona's Sneakers


How much do you know about Leona's Sneakers? Take the quiz.

Then, check your answers to the quiz. How did you do?

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 4 Activity

Let’s Reread: Leona’s Sneakers

A mysterious tube of red glitter glue helps Leona find talent she never knew she had. But fame isn't all that Leona thought it would be. Will Leona realize what's really important before it's too late?

Download Leona's Sneakers

Take It Further

Choose an activity to extend the fun.

Research Connection: Research a Creative Job

  • Conduct research to learn about a creative job. You might choose actor, singer, hat designer, or another creative job.
  • Find out what skills the job requires and what the job is like. Take notes.
  • Create a poster about the job you chose.

Response Writing: Write an Advertisement

  • Write an advertisement for the hats that Leona makes. Tell why they are special.
  • Include details from the text and illustrations that describe the hats.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Day 5 Activity

Let's Review

This week you've learned about arts and creativity. Today read a short play about artists making art.

Let’s Read: Mural of the Arts

Five art students are making a mural. They all have lots of ideas about different art forms, so what will they show in their mural?

Download Mural of the Arts

Take It Further

Extend the fun with an activity.

Hands-On Activity: Make a Mural

Family Support

Reader’s theater plays are fun to read aloud! Help children build oral reading skills by having them read Mural of the Arts aloud with a partner or small group. If they made a mural, encourage them to use it as a backdrop for their performance.

Performance Options

  • Assign roles and read the play as a family.
  • Call or video call friends or family members and read the play as a small group.
  • Have your child read the play aloud to you. Challenge him or her to use different voices for each character.

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