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Activities & Lessons

Grades 3–5 Daily Reading Activities: Animals

3 Min Read
Animals Turtle

Welcome to Amazing Animals. We'll provide five days of reading lessons designed to engage your child in an exploration of the animal world. Check back every day for the new day's lesson.

Day 1 Activity

Let’s Watch: Shall We Dance?

Watch the video Shall We Dance? to learn more about animal survival.

Discuss the Video

What behaviors do you notice in animals around you? If you had to make up a dance to communicate something, what would it look like?

Let’s Read: Turning the Tide for Turtles

Sea turtles are amazing animals, but humans still hunt them for their shells or meat. They are also surrounded by pollution. Learn about some kinds of sea turtles and how some people, programs, and governments are trying to protect them. Find out how you can help, too!

Download Turning the Tide for Turtles



How much do you know about Turning the Tide for Turtles? Take the quiz.

Then, check your answers to the quiz. How did you do?

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Check back here tomorrow for a new animal-themed Daily Reading Activity!

Day 2 Activity

Let’s Reread: Turning the Tide for Turtles

Sea turtles are amazing animals, but humans still hunt them for their shells or meat. They are also surrounded by pollution. Learn about some kinds of sea turtles and how some people, programs, and governments are trying to protect them. Find out how you can help, too!

Download Turning the Tide for Turtles


Take It Further

Choose an activity to extend the fun.

Project: Make a Diagram

  • Draw or paint a picture of a sea turtle on paper.
  • Label the parts of the turtle: flipper, shell, beak, etc.
  • Write a short description of each body part.
  • Display your poster.

Response Writing: Write a Letter

  • Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper. 
  • Try to persuade people to help sea turtles. Use information from the book to support your reasons.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Check back here tomorrow for a new animal-themed Daily Reading Activity!

Day 3 Activity

Let’s Watch: We Are Animals

Watch the video We Are Animals to learn more about animal behaviors.

Discuss the Video

What funny things do you notice animals doing, and why do you think they do them?

Let’s Read: Creature Features: Exploring Animal Characteristics

Learn all about the differences between amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and more! This book explores the coolest creatures and the features that make them special.

Download Creature Features: Exploring Animal Characteristics



How much do you know about Creature Features? Take the quiz.

Then, check your answers to the quiz. How did you do?

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Check back here tomorrow for a new animal-themed Daily Reading Activity!

Day 4 Activity

Let’s Reread: Creature Features: Exploring Animal Characteristics

Learn all about the differences between amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and more! This book explores the coolest creatures and the features that make them special.

Download Creature Features: Exploring Animal Characteristics

Take It Further

Choose an activity to extend the fun.

Response Writing: Write a Description 

  • Write a description of one of the animals in the book’s photos.  Use descriptive sensory words that will help readers “see” the animal. 

Hands-On Activity: Draw a Diagram 

  • Choose one of the animals in the text.
  • Draw a diagram of the animal that focuses on its special characteristics. Use labels to call out those characteristics.
  • Use details in the text and photos to help you. You may also use online or book resources to find out more about the animal.

Family Support

Use this learning guide to walk your child through the lesson. Explore additional Review & Extend activities together.

Check back here tomorrow for a new animal-themed Daily Reading Activity!

Day 5 Activity

Let's Review

This week you've learned about many different kinds of animals. Today, read about some amazing amphibians that need our help. Then create a board game to share what you’ve learned.

Let’s Read: Amphibian Alert!

Read about amphibians and the habitat changes that threaten these unique creatures’ survival.

Download Amphibian Alert!

Take It Further

Extend the fun with an activity.

Create a Board Game 

  • Create a board game about amphibians that are losing their home for one of the reasons given in Amphibian Alert!. Have the amphibians look for a new home. After you have drawn up the plan for your board game, write a set of instructions for how to play the game.

Family Support

Invite your children to be animal experts. Have them share what they learned this week about amazing animals. Ask: Which animal would you like to learn more about? How could you find more information about this animal? Encourage them to share additional information about the animal they chose.

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