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Activities & Lessons

Grade 2 Math Activity Set: By the Sea and A Bunch of Animals

2 Min Read

Help your child in Grade 2 build an understanding of multidigit numbers, addition, and subtraction with these animal-based activities ideal for at-home learning.

Activity 1: By the Sea

This project uses the context of sea-related organisms to build an understanding of multidigit numbers. Your child will write their own 2-digit numbers to tell the number of fish, shells, or birds they might find in, above, or by the sea.

On pages 2 and 3, your child will write how many tens and ones are in their numbers.

On page 4, your child will compare numbers.

Your child can model the numbers on each page with quick pictures, with a stick representing a ten and a dot representing a one.

Materials Needed

Print the pages of the Student sheet and fold the pages in half to make a storybook. Have your child write their work on the printed pages.

Extend the Lesson

Read a book about fish or other sea organisms, take a virtual tour, or view information online about sea life.

As you gather information, count each type of organism you see and compare the numbers. Select one organism and write a story about that creature.

Activity 2: A Bunch of Animals

This project uses the context of the names for groups of animals to build an understanding of addition and subtraction. Your child will fill in the missing names of the animals and answer story questions.

Have your child refer back to page 2 for help with animal group names.

On page 4, your child will write numbers to complete each animal story.

Tell your child to choose numbers from the box and not to repeat any numbers.

Materials Needed

Print the pages of the Student sheet and fold the pages in half to make a storybook. Have your child write their work on the printed pages.

Extend the Lesson

Use a dictionary or an online search to explore terms used to describe other groups of animals. Some animals to consider include bats, bees, fish, kangaroos, otters, and sharks.

Using index cards or small pieces of paper, draw a picture of each animal on a card.

On separate cards, write the terms used to describe different groups of animals. Your child can play a matching game by shuffling the cards and spreading them out face down on a table.

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